Mechanical Maintenance Engineer Posted 11 month ago

BTI Solutions INC. | Warren, Ohio, US Full Time | Onsite


Job Description

General Description:

Maintain a safe and productive work environment,following all applicable regulations. Train and develop staff for success inthe company goals and for future opportunities. Create a positive and highlyeffective working environment based on mutual respect and a shared goal ofbeing the number one supplier to our customers. Establish and maintain a solidworking relationship with both internal departments as well as externalresources. Coach all employees for success and improvement. Proactively watchand take advantage of coaching opportunities as they present themselves.Provide frequent feedback to employees, sharing expectations and enforcingaccountability. Collaborate with support areas to ensure Safety, Quality and Costdemands are met. Own the performance of the maintenance area in safety,quality, equipment care, efficiency, innovation, capability and productivity.




·       Performs responsibilities of conducting corrective andpreventive maintenance of production equipment and their controls to ensureoperation of machinery

·       Communicates directly with the production departmentto coordinate preventive maintenance and troubleshooting work in productionareas

·       Prepares and manages periodic preventive maintenanceschedule

·       Technician is responsible for keeping the records ofall preventive maintenance and troubleshooting works

·       Coordinate with outside sources to schedulemaintenance for more complex issues

·       Ensure work is completed in a safe manner and maintaina safe work environment following all safety requirements

·       Prepares and maintains maintenance related documents;daily report and check sheet

·       Working schedule can be changes – Day time or Nighttime




·       Bachelor’sDegree in Math, Physics, Statistics, Engineering (Chemical, Industrial,Manufacturing, Mechanical or related), or similar

·       Industrial Maintenance Journeyman’s certificate orequivalent preferred

·       Understanding of Production and Processing equipment

·       1 -5+ Years Industrial Maintenance Experiencepreferred

·       Direct, coordinate, lead and mentor the activities ofteam members.

·       Communicatesdirectly with the production department to coordinate preventive maintenanceand troubleshooting work in production areas

·       Preparesand manages periodic preventive maintenance schedule

·       Technicianis responsible for keeping the records of all preventive maintenance andtroubleshooting works

·       Coordinatewith outside sources to schedule maintenance for more complex issues

·       Ensurework is completed in a safe manner and maintain a safe work environmentfollowing all safety requirements

·       Preparesand maintains maintenance related documents; daily report and check sheet

·       Otherequipment maintenance and repair tasks as assigned


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